5 Best Grilled Chicken Salad Recipes | The Manual

2022-08-13 03:10:50 By : Ms. susan wang

As with baseball, martini specs, and politics, people tend to have very strong opinions about chicken salad. In the South, nearly everyone has their version of “the best chicken salad” that almost always comes from a mother or grandmother. Heated debates over additions and mix-ins like fruit and nuts are commonplace. Screaming matches over the correct brand of mayonnaise happen more than you think. (Spoiler alert: the correct answer is Duke’s.)

The way we see it, there are two very distinct groups; traditional and modern. For the traditionalists among us, chicken salad is just chicken, mayonnaise, celery, spices, and seasonings. That’s it. Others enjoy having grapes or apples and walnuts or pecans in their chicken salad and that’s fine. We aren’t here to pass judgment. We’re here to give you the best-tasting chicken salad recipes we can find, from traditional and simple to more modern versions.

Before we get to the recipes, let’s take a look at what’s in a traditional chicken salad:

If you were ever looking for the ideal version of chicken salad (that’s why you’re here, after all,) always go with one made by Southerners. Southern Living’s version hits all the right marks for the quintessential lunchtime option.

Their method of poaching the chicken in seasoned broth instead of water is a great way to add more flavor to the cooked chicken. Also, by simply boiling the meat for 15 minutes and letting the bird rest and cool in the warm broth, it ensures the meat will be incredibly tender.

This recipe is as simple as it gets, with a dressing of Duke’s mayo and lemon juice, chopped celery, and seasoned with salt, pepper, and fresh thyme. Using this recipe as a base, it’s very easy to add other components like chopped bacon, dill, or other vegetables to make it your own.

Total: 1 hr 40 mins Active: 15 mins Yield: Serves 4-6

Ina Garten, our queen of the “ladies who lunch” income bracket, has one of the most beloved chicken salad recipes out there. Evident by its 4.5 stars on the Food Network website, this recipe exploded during quarantine and continues to be a best-seller at Ina’s gourmet shop in the Hamptons.

Her choice to roast the chicken instead of poaching is also a personal favorite. Here at The Manual, we always talk about “layering of flavor” when it comes to cooking and choosing to roast (or grill) your chicken is an obvious good choice. The flavor of roasted chicken can add an entirely new depth of flavor to your chicken salad.

Splitting the dressing between mayonnaise and sour cream helps to lighten the dish and the grapes and roasted nuts add a subtle sweetness to the finished salad. Using fresh tarragon, mixed in at the end and sprinkled on top, add a beautiful, fresh note of anise that really does round the whole dish out in such a great way.

Whew, boy. This recipe from The Pioneer Woman is extra. A whole poached chicken, a dressing of mayo, yogurt, lemon juice, and brown sugar (!) along with grapes, nuts, onions, and celery. On first glance of the recipe, we were a little skeptical. But we were actually pleasantly surprised by this one. Sweet, savory, sour, crunchy, creamy, and full of herbs, this chicken salad hits pretty much every mark you could ask for.

Yield: Serves 6 Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 1 hr Total Time: 1 hr 20 mins

This recipe from All Recipes is definitely not traditional but that’s exactly why we like it. Still relatively simple but with the addition of a few non-traditional ingredients like feta cheese and bell pepper, this chicken salad makes for a perfect addition to a summertime backyard grill-out.

The feta cheese adds a very refreshing tang alongside the creamy mayo-based dressing and is something we haven’t seen in a chicken salad before but it is absolutely a welcome addition. Fresh celery and bell pepper add the right amount of crunchy texture and a hefty pinch of dill adds a sweet, herbal note at the end.

Total: 20 mins Prep: 20 mins Yield: Serves 4

If this chicken salad recipe could talk, it would say “bless your heart” with the kindest, most Southern accent possible. What sets apart a “Southern-style” chicken salad from any others is usually the addition of hard-boiled eggs and relish. Combined with a heavy hand of Duke’s mayonnaise, celery, and a lot of seasonings and spices, this OG chicken salad will not disappoint.

Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 25 mins Total Time: 45 mins

A lunchtime staple in the South for generations, chicken salad is a go-to dish to utilize leftover chicken from the night before. The ideal chicken salad marries the creaminess of the dressing, the tender chicken, the must-have textural crunch of fresh celery, and a spice element that can range from simple salt and pepper to curry or Old Bay. The cooking method for the chicken can also be varied between grilling, roasting, or poaching. Chicken salad really is a dish where you can let your imagination run wild.

Delicious on a sandwich, as a dip with Saltines, on top of your favorite garden salad, or eaten with a spoon out of the container standing in front of your open refrigerator, chicken salad is the perfect snack to keep in your fridge. Thought of as a summertime dish when the weather is hot, a chicken salad sandwich is a refreshing meal for any season or time of day.

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